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Friday, March 22, 2019

Review: Spider-Man/Deadpool #21

Well Spider-Man just woke up in the sixth sense cause now he's seeing dead people. Also did Arcade really think a robot Wolverine with an eye patch would fool Spider-Man? If so he's way wrong.

Um Lex Luthor you're supposed to be in DC not Marvel. Also Spider-Man isn't an alien so you're reason for wanting him dead makes no sense man.

You know if I was in Spider-Man I probably would've let those three guys die cause they are some horrible people. I mean no wonder they wound up in Jigsaws trap. They kinda deserve it.

Well now Deadpool is in Jigsaws trap. Guys if they're any traps that need a certain amount of blood just send Deadpool through a saw and you'll have all the blood you need :). Artwork was great. As for the story it was funny I'll give this issue a 10 out of 10 for making me come close to laughing so hard that I almost died laughing.

Favorite Page: Was when Lex Luthor ate Deadpools Devil and Angel. I mean he should just eat Superman. That'd definitely do the job.

Things I learned from this issue. That we not only got Lex Luthor in this issue but we also got Carrot Top.

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