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Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Review: Darth Vader #23

Dammit why's Doctor Aphra still alive? She's no Vader so there's no way she should still be alive.

Good a scene with Vader. I feel like Vader will make Cylos death slow and painful. Haha I had to laugh when Aphra called the emperor defenseless. Like sure sure he is. Hey maybe the poor defenseless emperor will be the one to kill Aphra :).

That fight scene was awesome. Oh fuck Vader's in trouble. Artwork was great. As for the story it was ok. I don't like that Aphra is still around. I feel like they're saying Vader wasn't very powerful which is so wrong. So I'm gonna give this issue a 6 out of 10.

Favorite Page: was when Vader killed Morit. Definitely showed how powerful Vader is and how stupid Morit was.

Things I learned from this issue. That Vader did not need Aphras help at all. Hell he took down more of Cylos men then Aphra and her crew did.

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