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Sunday, March 10, 2019

Review: Outer Darkness #2

Well this is a boring opening for a comic. What's so boring about it you ask? Well they're having a meeting. Though yes I get you can't always open an issue up with action or some sort of drama happening but the opening should never make the reader want to sleep.

Oh hey look it's my ex girlfriend and Rigg just kicked her and her boyfriend out of the meeting.

Next all hell breaks loose. I mean in a way what he did was stupid and reckless but at least he knows that. But hey it helped him test out his crew without safety nets which is better. I mean heck with him as their captain they'll learn not to rely on safety nets.

Well dam that chick is one tough woman that I would not want to mess with. Though she got lucky that he expected her to do that or else the God-Engine would probably get to eat her later. The artwork was great. As for the story it was pretty dam interesting and exciting. Hope the rest of the issues will be even more interesting. I give this issue a 7 out of 10.

Favorite Page: was definitely that page where the blood demon was coming up out of the floor. It's probably my favorite cause I like scary shit and know that if I saw that come up out of my bedroom floor I would shit myself.

Things I learned from issue. That if Rigg is your captain you better be prepared to have him fly you straight towards a demon sun.

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