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Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Review: Scooby Apocalypse #3

Well this opening isn't very good for the Scooby Gang. I feel like Daphne will be blaming Velma for a few issues. Hopefully not a shit ton or I'll be pissed.

Dam Fred is badass in this series where as in the cartoons he's not good for anything. Well except for being Daphne's arm candy or sex doll. If they came up against Jason Voorhees he'd be dead before they even set foot inside Camp Crystal Lake.

Oh good Fred's ok. Fred I would probably not ever propose to Daphne ever again. I mean heck don't do it unless you're in a relationship in the first place. Just like my ex shouldn't have fell in love with another man and started another relationship if she was with me. But hey she'll never get back with me again. That is when I finally fall out of love with her.

Well the ending to this issue proves that the Scooby Gang will probably have bad luck throughout this whole series. Artwork was great. As for the story loved the flashbacks with the gang fighting the monsters. As for the other scenes they were meh but not bad so I'll give this issue a 8 out of 10.

Favorite Page: Was when Daphne hugged Scooby. I want that dog.

Things I learned from this issue. That I want the version of the Mystery Machine as seen in this series.

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