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Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Review: Supernatural Season 11 Episode 18 ( Hell's Angel )

This episode opens up with Crowley going to some guy in a tent who has the horn of joshua. After Crowley sees the horn he rips up some parchment and then kills the old guy who has the horm of joshua. I kinda wonder what was on the parchment. Next we Crowley call Dean to tell him that he has the horn and that he'll give it to him and Sam. At what cost though? Next we see Rowena healing Amara... wait really Rowena is still alive? Dang she's tough and smart. We find out that Rowena had a spell inside her that revived her. Note to self never underestimate Rowena. Next we see Crowley tell Sam and Dean that he'll give them the horn if they exercise the devil out of Cas and put him back in the cage. Seems like a fair deal. Next we see Amara yell at the sky which sends a dark cloud into heaven... for all powerful that seemed like an epic fail of power. Crowleys mom spies on his conversation with Sam and Dean and decides not to tell Amara what she just saw. Remember what happened last time you rooted for the devil Rowena? Obviously not cause it seems like you're rooting for him again even after he snapped your neck.  Rowena sends Crowley a message to let him know she's alive. Next we see Sam and Dean setting up a circle that'll trap the devil in it while they try to exercise the devil out of Cas. Next we see them summon the Devil into the trap and then the shit hit the fan which causes Crowley to leave his vessel snd go into Cases vessel. We see what Cas does while the devil takes control... really Cas you just watch tv in Sam and Deans kitchen. That's got to be a Sad life for him. We get a fight scene where the devil kicks Crowleyd ass. Sam and Dean get Crowley out of Cases body. Next we see a showdown between Amara and the devil. Really the horn of joshua did nothing. Better get a better game plan Sam and Dean. This episode ends with Amara torturing the devil. This episode was really good. I give this episode a 10 out of 10. So I wonder how they plan on icing Amara now. Things I learned from this issue. Cas loves to watch tv in Sam and Deans kitchen.

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