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Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Review: Spider-Gwen #2

This issue opens up with Spider-Gwen on a boat full of garbage while Spider-Ham sings. Hold on I'm gonna get my tools real quick so I can turn Spider-Ham into bacon. Darn to late it's already on the scene where Spider-Gwen is falling and makes some webbings so she catches the wind and glides safely on the garbage boat. Next we see Captain Stacy at a crime scene with Gwens stuff. I'm taking a guess that she's a rookie cause I don't think a pro would make that mistake. Anyways next we see Gwen Stacy talking to murder face... why give a cat that name? You know what I'm gonna name my pet that when I get a new one. We also see Spider-Ham there with her. Does landing on a boat full of garbage really make you see talking pigs? Guess I'm gonna have to try that now. But anyways hold still Spider-Ham. Not again now we see Matt Murdock chatting with the vulture telling him he better find Spider-Gwen and prove that she's alive so that the kingpin will kill her and not him for killing her. Wait I thought Matt Murdock was a good guy. Are you guys saying he's evil in this universe. If so boo. Again we see Spider-Gwen and Spider-Ham together eating corn dogs. Wait if he's in her head how'd he get a corn dog? Did she eat one and then suddenly it went to him. Cause that'd be pretty weird if she went in the store and asked to get one to so she could feed her imaginary talking pig. Actually now that I think about that I think I'm gonna add that to my bucket list and try it sometime just to see how people react. This issue ends with Spider-Gwen finding her dad in an ally way and telling him that she's looking for him. Artwork was pretty good. Story wise pretty good though it made me really hungry. I give this issue a 10 out of 10.  The third issue better have more Spider-Ham so I can catch him and eat him. I swear on my life I will catch him and turn him into bacon.

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