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Thursday, November 1, 2018

Review: The Unbelievable Gwenpool #13

This issue opens up with people telling ghost stories by a camp fire. Dam now I'm in the mood to go camping and make some smores. Anyways next we see Deadpool beating the crap out of Batroc. This whole fight scene between Deadpool and Gwenpools team goes on for almost all of the issue. It was actually pretty good. And yes he had quite a few word bubbles. Wait so since Deadpool was in this issue and people know him so well does that mean he helped her get noticed more? I mean he said he didn't know her and that he was basically more popular than her so then in a way he helped her out a bit. Man it was nice of Gwenpool to get Mega Tony that job at Parker Industries but now that Parker Industries is no more that means Mega Tony went back to his sad boring life. Note to self try not to have a sad and boring life like Mega Tony. Um why was Cecil running from the townsfolk? Did they actually have weapons that could hurt him or some way of capturing him? Artwork was good. The story was aight but not the best. Hopefully Gwenpool will grow on her own in the next issues. I give this issue a 6 out of 10.

Things I learned from this issue. If you die and come back as a ghost that people can see it's probably not the best idea to go say hi to a loved one unless you think you can take all the townsfolk that chase after you.

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