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Monday, November 12, 2018

Review: Spider-Man/Deadpool #7

This issue opens up with a blast to the past... Oh dear lord this art is so horrible that I think looking at it might make me throw up. Wait they made a filler issue about politics. Ugh really guys? Couldn't think of anything better. Anyways next we see some guy hire Deadpool and Mysterio to stop some guy named Jack from getting elected. Really you guys seriously thought this mixed bag of crap would be a good filler issue. Once I opened it I didn't even want to finish it. Later we see a hippie punch a cop. Ha I knew tree huggers were bad. Haha that joke Deadpool made was actually pretty good. Sadly all his good jokes about present stuff that has happened will not fix the rating I give this issue. Man if all Mysterio had to do was turn into himself to get people not to vote for Jack that's the first thing he should've done when he got on that stage. Wait are the writers trying to say that people were pretty stupid back then. Yo guys have you seen this generation. One word for you tide pods. Ok that was two but you get my point. Um that was a very weird ending to this issue but eh oh well. Artwork for this issue was sickening. And the story was very bland. The fireball I drink has a better story in it than this issue had. So I give this issue a 4 out of 10.

Things I learned from this issue. That I'm glad this filler issue ended cause that artwork was making me sick. Hopefully I don't have to miss a day of work tomorrow cause of this issue making me sick.

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