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Monday, November 5, 2018

Review: Outcast #10

This issue opens up where we last left off. Guys quit standing there and take her to a hospital. Next we get a short scene with Sidny. I think that's demons name and that's how you spell it. Anyway he visits with another demon. Yep don't remember that guy at all. Also when is Kyle gonna get the demon out of this guy and that old lady? I mean he got one out of his abusive mother, the love of his life and a hungry little boy who I still think was just hungry cause his family was poor and ontop of all of that the daughter got more attention then the little boy did. But ya if it's gonna be a slow burn before he gets the demons out of all those people makes me feel like he'll end up in a bar with all of them and get in a bar fight with them since he's beat the crap out of most of them. I'm sure I've said this and I'll say it again if someone does have a demon in them don't go and beat the crap out of them. Call your bishop of whoever. Oh finally they got Sherry to a hospital. Also I thought she died last issue but I guess she's still alive but in the sake state that Kyles mom is in. So doe that mean if he cries on all them during the bar fight that the hospital will be filled with people like his mom? I feel like Robert Kirkman just loves violence so the only way Kyle can make sure these people don't end up like his mom is to feed Robert Kirkmans hunger for violence. Anyways a few pages later we see Kyle sneak over... Scratch that tries to sneak over to see his ex wife I think and their daughter. I get you love her dude but doing this stuff will get you thrown in jail man. Like yo you showing up probably puts them in danger so if you get thrown in jail your wife will get possed again and your daughter will either die or get possed to. Yo why are you gonna call the police on him now? First you yell at him and then basically throw yourself on him. Like I'm surprised you hadn't ripped off his clothes already. But now you're like well that was fun to tease you like that now I'm just gonna go call the cops on you. I feel bad for Kyle after that. I do hope Kyle gets a happy ending with his ex wife and daughter. This issue ends with Sidny ready to give Reverend Anderson a beating. Artwork was ok. The story was also good. Yes I know I gave it lots of crap but I actually like how these issues are slowly building up to stuff. I give this issue a 10 out of 10.

Things I learned from this issue. If you get possed by a demon just let Kyle beat the crap out of you. Sure it'll hurt and feed Robert Kirkmans hunger for violence but at least you won't end up like Sherry and Kyles mom.

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