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Thursday, March 10, 2016

Review: Spider Island #5

This issue opens up with our heros getting the crap beat out of them by the giant Spider Queen. Note to self never go up against the giant Spider Queen. We see Venom run at her head on while she uses her sonic scream on him. I have a feeling that's gonna do some severe damage to him. Wait is he disconnecting with the symbiote so it can connect with the Spider Queen? I wonder how this is gonna play out. We see the symbiote fuse with the Spider Queen. The Spider Queen tries to convince the symbiote to join her and take a different host. Ya good luck the symbiote and Flash Thompson are friends so that won't work. Really she survived that fall? Next we see Dinasour-Man come with some T-Rexs to finish off the queen. Well I did not see that coming. We see Spider-Man tell Flash Thompson that he saved the world and that he's Spider-Mans hero. We see a few days later when everyone is fixing stuff and getting used to life without the Spider Queen. Really there's a Dino-Thor now? This issue ends with everyone being happy. Artwork was pretty good. Story wise pretty good. I give this issue a 10 out of 10. Now I wish I was a bird person... what it'd be cool to have wings and fly around.

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