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Friday, March 25, 2016

Review: Black Magick #2

This issue opens up with us seeing Rowans house and her feeding her cat. Well she's definitely a witch cause she's got a cat though she's a very pretty witch that's for sure :). Next we see Rowan go to a police meeting where she's told she has to talk to I.A.B. what does I.A.B mean? No I'm being serious I have no clue what that means. Next we see Rowan tell somebody how the guy at the buddy burger burnt to death. Well except for the part about house she used a spell in her mind to cause him to burn himself instead of her. Which is good that he didn't burn her cause I'm starting to like her. Next we meet Rowans friend Alex. Alex looks like one of those blond preppy girls. One of my friends has a blond preppy sister that I hate cause she's stupid. Rowan tells Alex what happened at the buddy burger including the part where she used the spell in her mind to cause him to set himself on fire. Yes Alex is a witch. I wonder if Alex has a cat to. Next we see Rowan go to a crime scene where a body washed up on the shore. Note to self avoid big cities like this one cause every once in awhile there'll be a dead body that washes up on shore. We find out the person who died is Bruce Dunridge who apperently murdered some peoples daughter. I say close his case cause it seems like karma finally caught up to him. This issue ends with Rowan finding out the name of the guy who burnt himself at the buddy burger. And his name is Rowan White. Artwork was pretty good. Story wise pretty good definitely has me sitting on the edge of my seat. I give this issue a 10 out of 10. I think Rowan White might be Rowans real name.

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