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Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Review: Darth Vader #2

This issue opens up with a ship being shot at by pirates. No not pirates on ships that sail the sea and drink lots of rum. Space pirates. Next we see Lord Vader take out the engine core. Note to self never get on his bad side like ever. Next we see Tagge give Lord Vader a watch dog. Um Tagge I don't think he likes that I think you just singed oon-ais death sentence. Hey oon-ai word of advice probably shouldn't read Vaders private message or follow him everywhere pisses him off if you haven't noticed. Next we see Lord Vader, some clones, a droid and oon-ai go to the pirates base. Hell ya Vader two pirates zero. Next we see Lord Vader get back on board Tagges ship and reveal that oon-ai was the traitor. If you ask me it seems like oon-ai got on his nerves so he killed him and made a lie saying he was the traitor. This issue ends Vader sending a droid out in space and blowing it up. Artwork was pretty good. Story wise pretty good. I give this issue a 10 out of 10. So does the emperor not have therapist for his men? Cause it seems like a lot of them probably need one.

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