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Saturday, October 17, 2015

Review: Colder #1 ( Toss The Bones )

This issue opens up with a man sitting on a bench eating a sandwich. Great now I'm hungry for a subway sandwich. Next we see Nimble Jack come up and talk to the man. The man ask if his ex wife Judith sent him. Geez kinda sounds like a friend I have. I took a ride home with her so I could make it to work in the morning and he stayed behind flipping out saying that I was going to her place to bang her and fall in love with her. See how that guy sorta sounds like him. Nimble Jack starts blurting David Brissons life story out of nowhere. You cheated on your wife. Well no wonder she took everything from you you deserve it. Nimble Jack leaves and all the pigeons start telling David people and things he should fear. Dude just eat your yummy sandwich and ignore the pigeons. Next we see Reece and Declan in a grocery store then we see them in a restaurant I'm guessing where a pigeon gets in without any windows or doors bring open. Really guys you have to ask how it got in there after you guys went through mirrors, saw a guy obsessed with fingers and talking rats that have the same name as you. Really?  Next we see Nimble Jack making people go crazy by asking them questions and putting pigeons in their head, he also throws a guy right in front of a bus killing him and taking peoples energy or something I don't know. All I know is there were lots of colors and bright lights like you'd see if you went to a rave party. Next we see Reece and Declan at another grocery store getting cheese and other stuff there cause it's cheaper. Reece, Declan have you guys ever heard of Walmart? No. Well Walmart price matches other prices from other stores so start going there then you don't have to make two trips. Next we see Nimble Jack in a room with a teenage girl. Ok when he gets her attention how does she not just scream for her parents. I mean heck he could be a murder or rapist. Do her parents fight so much that they never taught about all the bad stuff in the world? This issue ends with Nimble Jack ringing Reece and Declans apartment doorbell. Artwork was pretty good. Story wise pretty good definitely enjoyed reading it. I give this issue a 10 out of 10. I feel like the only people who would enjoy this series are crazy people... wait does that mean I'm one of them?

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