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Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Review: Solitary #2

So in this issue Tim spends months in solitary only to be taken out and killed over and over. Geez the warden has a bad temper if you ask me. Also I think the writer found it stupid how marvel and dc characters just die and come back to life. Next I'm going to cut my main characters neck open. Calm down writer. Anyways now your series is definitely way different from marvel and dc cause your character has died so many times. We also see a flashback of some guy fighting Tims dad explaining his whole plan. I'm guessing this is the hooded person who is always there when Tim dies. This issue ends with Tim getting sent to a very special prison. Artwork was pretty good. I give this issue a 9 out of 10. Remember if you hate how marvel and dc kill off their characters just to bring them back to life and you write a comic series just kill your main character over and over to get all the anger out.

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