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Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Review: Convergence Suicide Squad #1

This issue opens up with Amanda waller being shot. Geez comic thanks for spoiling the ending. Next we see Toyman sitting at a restaurant with Boomerang and some other guy. While eating the dome goes down and every superhero and villan gets there powers back wich makes whatever his face is shoot Toyman. Hey that's not nice to shoot a guy who makes toys for kids... what do you mean he doesn't make toys for kids? He makes his own toys that he uses to kill people. Never mind go ahead and shoot him then whats his face. Next we see Amanda waller talking to the General Lane and meeting her suicide squad members. Never heard of cyborg superman. This issue ends with Either sinestro or Lex Luthor putting on a rin. I'm guessing it's Lex where it doesn't show a lantern symbol. Artwork was ok. I give this issue a 8 out of 10. So if you ever hear of a guy named Toyman don't buy toys from him cause they'll probably blow up in your kids face.

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