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Saturday, November 14, 2015

Review: Colder #2 ( Toss The Bones )

This issue opens up with Declan opening the door to an empty hallway making him think the kids from down the hall did it. Or maybe your place is haunted. I mean that's what I'd think. Next Declan goes back to looking at fingers and thinking of getting some that are thought controled which makes Reece saying he'd be grabbing her every seven seconds cause guys think about sex every seven seconds. Not true. I'll even prove it right now 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. See only thought about how stupid Reece is the whole time. Plus when I think about it it's longer than seven seconds just saying. Anyways we see Reece get in the shower and start singing into a bar of soap. See now this scene would probably get any man thinking about sex. Yes it's just art but hey she's hot... and stupid. That's funny Nimble Jack just gave her the shower brush and she thought it was Declan. See stupid. Next we see Nimble Jack stick a funnel in someones neck and pour bleach in it killing the person and making yum yums as he calls it out of the persons insanity. Oh no he gave it to some dogs. Run everyone! Crazy dogs are on the lose. Next we see some little girl follow a crazy white dog to a manhole and get dragged in by the little dog. Hey lady keep a closer eye on the next kid you have. We see Reece ask Declan what his doctor said about fingers and then make a sex joke after he tells her he'd be getting some rubber ones. See when I've made jokes to try and get my girlfriends to laugh in yhe past they get all mad snd almost tear my head off. So note to self never give my girlfriend crap to let her know how much I love her so she'll never know and always be worried. This issue ends with Nimble Jack sending Reece and Declan to the hungry world. Artwork was pretty good. Story wise interesting. I give this issue a 10 out of 10. Surprisingly I like Nimble Jack. He kills people in different ways and doesn't just chop their fingers off which makes him less predictable.

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