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Wednesday, December 9, 2015

Review: Supernatural Season 11 Episode 6 ( Our Little World )

This episode opens up with two teenage girls talking about school and parents. *shuders* oh how I hate school. So glad I'm out. Next we see Amara come and take Holdies soul. Next we see Crowley catch Amara going back into her room. Note to all teenagers don't sneak out or you'll be in big trouble. We see Dean call Cas as he's binge watching tv and tells him that him and Sam need him back in the game. We find out that creepy guy from last episode died. Sam and Dean go to the police station and find out that Goldie snapped and tried to kill her mom with a frying pan. Note to self don't piss off girls when they're holding something cause more than likely I'll end up getting the shit beat out of me. Cas watches the news and sees a video that Metatron recorded. Sam and Dean find out where Crowley has been keeping Amara and go there to kill her. I have a feeling that something is gonna go wrong and she'll get away. Cas finds Metatron and beats the shit out of him. Note to self never piss off an angel or their wrath will come down upon you. Oh come on Dean kill Amara! Don't stand there looking like an idiot. If you let her live then there'll be more soulless people soon. Sam has another vision. Sam didn't  your parents ever tell you yo stay away from drugs? See told you something bad would happen and that she'd get away. Dam you Dean next time kill her. This episode ends with us finding out that Amara is gods sister. Great episode. I give this episode a 10 out of 10. Hold on guys some guy is dying so I'm gonna go record him snd steal his money.

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