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Sunday, January 13, 2019

Review: Paradox Girl #3

This issue opens up with Paradox Girl and Axiom Man going into a building that is about to be demolished looking for some crazy guy with a gun. I'm confused on what Chekhov's gun is? Guess I'll google it later if I remember. Anyways Paradox Girl gives us the back story of why this guy is so crazy. Jeez his girlfriend reminds me of my ex who cheated on me. She'd get mad if I even said hi to another girl yet she could talk to all the guys she wanted and I just had to deal with it and not get jelous. Wait why was she in his bosses office. Oh that's why. This guy does not seem to be having the best of luck today and so far the person surrounding his bad luck is Paradox Girl. Although maybe it's the opposite maybe she's the one with bad luck and he's always there. Hold on I gotta sit down for a bit cause that made my head hurt thinking about that. Wait why'd Paradox Girl steal the ambulance? I'm confused on that part. Oh ok now I remember. You The Paramaniac isn't the coolest supervillain name. Also where did he get that gun from? Well look at that Paradox Girl saved the day by giving him a hug and letting him know she was sorry. Oh now I get it. I mean it's confusing and takes alot of thinking and looking back on things to get the whole point of this issue but I think I get it now.  I can't really explain this issue in writing so I'd suggest you go buy it on their store at www.paradoxgirl.com or go to www.hanacomics.storenvy.com this issue ends with us meeting a new villain called Payoff. Are these names supposed to be weird? Artwork was great. As for the story it was confusing but once I got it and understood it really good so I'll give this issue a 10 out of 10.

Things I learned from this issue. If you're a hero and you being a hero ruins someones day and makes them to decide to be a villain all you gotta do is say sorry and give them a hug and everything will be forgiven. You can even go out for milkshakes or whatever and celebrate your new friendship.

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