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Sunday, January 6, 2019

Review: Norah #2

This issue opens up with Norah talking to a tape recorder about her past. Did that guy just stab his wife in the head while they were having dinner? Jeez I'd be scared to cook anything for that guy if he gets that angry about food not tasting good. See kids this is why you shouldn't text or drive or you'll end up in a hospital bed like John here. Also I'm guessing he's cheating on his girlfriend or wife. Why do I think that you ask. Well cause my ex girlfriend did the exact same thing. Sadly people like that never seem to notice how much they're hurting you even after they've hurt you and screwed you over. I get that Christopher is his twin that he absorbed in the womb but that scene creeped me out. Like ya I get it was supposed to be a sad and yet heartwarming moment yet for me it creeped me out because had Norah came in my head like that and I could see the twin I absorbed I'd wake up and feel wigged out. Basically I'd get goosebumps and feel like I had someone else living inside me. I feel like Norah should've told him to stop texting while he drove. I wonder how much she got from him being stupid. Oh I see maybe his family will chew him out later. Do you know how much we had to pay her to save your stupid ass John. This issue ends with us seeing the name of the project that Norah and her husband were working on. Jeez seeing that name makes me think with a name like that it's no wonder shit hit the fan. Artwork was great. As for the story definitely has me hooked. I'm like a fish waiting to read the next issue and get that next hook in me. I give this issue a 10 out of 10. If you liked this review and would like to buy yourself an issue or four just go over to www.sourcepointpress.com

Things I learned from this issue. Not to cook for that one guy at the first of the issue. Oh and never to get in a car with John. I'd like to live thank you very much.

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