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Monday, January 14, 2019

Review: Outcast #17

This issue opens up with Mark finally waking up. Now the next question is can he walk. We go back to Kyle and the reverend. Um Kyle I get you want to finish this shit now but after you save this guy you might want to go to a hospital and have your head checked man. I had to chuckle a little when he handed the reverend the phone book and told him to read from that instead of the bible. I was picturing him yelling names and numbers. Todays review is brought to you by the letter S for spoilers cause this review has spoilers and the number seventeen which is what issue we're on today. Well so far having the reverend read from the phone book is going shittasticly. Haha I'm sorry but the reverend just yelling out stuff from the phone book was funny to. Wait really that worked? But this time all you did was have the reverend yell random shit at him while you held him down. Later on we get to see the reverend play poker. I swear I've said this before but I'll say it again. Goddammit reverend gambling is a sin. So no wonder all this bad shit has happened to you man. I wonder if the people who've been possed played poker with him. And you're probably thinking but Joshua is way to young to play poker. Here's what I say to that. I still think Joshua was just hungry and looking for attention which is why he started eating himself cause he knew if he did it'd get him food and attention at the same time. But with the way the reverend is I wouldn't put it past him to not care if some kid played poker with him and his buddies. This issue ends with Brian being possed. Artwork was pretty good. As for the story I would have to say it's good but it'd probably be hella funny for someone to read if they were high. I GIVE THIS ISSUE A 10 OUT OF 10.

Things I learned from this issue. That if someone I love gets possed I'll just yell random shit at them and pour tap water on them. It'd probably be funny to watch... Well until the demon killed me.

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