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Thursday, January 24, 2019

Review: Darth Vader #16

This issue opens up with Darth Vader giving the Emperor some fish. Dammit I told you I take the fish half later Vader. Jeez if he doesn't listen to me then I feel like he'll fail the mission that the Emperor just gave him. What exactly does the empire use the ore for? And if you say the stormtroopers suits I'll say well shit it must not be that good of metal cause blasters seem to penetrate it pretty easily. Oh and if you say it's for the death star I'll say well maybe they should cover the dam hole next time so some farm boy doesn't shoot his blasters in it and destroy it. Also that's what she said. Anyways next we see Vader in a cave or something. Jeez the Queen isn't to happy with Vader after he destroyed the machine her people use to get ore. I have to ask did she expect him to go about it in a different manner? Cause if so she doesn't know him that well. This issue ends with Vader putting a bounty on Doctor Aphras head. Yay does this mean we'll finally get to see her die? I'll make sure to have popcorn on hand before I read that issue :). Artwork was pretty good. As for the story it was mediocre. I give this issue a 7 out of 10.

Things I learned from this issue. That Vader owes me a fish. I'm very mad. I was hoping to cook that fish and eat it while drinking some Mikes Hard. Thanks Vader for ruining my night.

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