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Friday, June 24, 2016

Review: Deathstroke Annual #1

This issue opens up with Lapetus telling Deathstroke and Wonder Woman that he can see their future and that they both die alone in the future. Well at least they have one thing in common they're both gonna die alone in the future. Um Wonder Woman what makes you think you have a chance of killing Lapetus? I mean in the last issue you told Deathstroke he wouldn't be able to do it if I remember correctly... so how come you can if he can't? Is he like that one guy in the last lord of the rings movie. No man can kill me! I'm no man. *stabs him right in the face* haha. Anyways I'm assuming you can't kill him either cause it looks like you and Deathstroke just got sent to some form of hell after you charged at him with your sowrd. Wonder Woman 0 Lapetus 1. Note to self never get in a fight with Lapetus or he'll send you to some form of hell. Next we get a pretty awesome fight scene where Deathstroke and Wonder Woman kick ass. Dam she's hot even when fighting. Deathstroke and Wonder Woman find a portal back to paradise island which is gaurded by some monster. Wonder Woman and Deathstroke decide to try a different route where they run into three different portals and get sucked into different ones. In Deathstrokes portal we see him on one of his first contracts except his kids are there this time. Basically we get a fight scene where Deathstroke wins realizes the hooded figure eating ice cream with his kids is actually Lapetus... no shit really? How come he didn't notice before? Anyways Deathstroke takes his kids away from Lapetus and jumps off a cliff with both of them. Dude he wasn't hurting them at the moment. Heck he was just having ice cream with them. Deathstroke is an over protective dad. Also I'd love it if some random stranger sat and had ice cream with me no matter how creepy they looked. In Wonder Womans portal we see her and Superman have a conversation about how the world going to war or something like that would make her happy. Wow she noticed who it was way before Deathstroke did. Also really Wonder Woman again with trying to kill him. Wonder Woman -0 Lapetus 2. Next we see Deathstrokes kids being assholes to him by saying mean stuff to him and beating the crap out of him. On Wonder Womans end we see her and her mom have a short talk since Wonder Woman is pretty good at knowing when Lapetus is messing with her head. Next we see Wonder Woman talk some sense into Deathstroke. Note to self have Wonder Woman with you when going up against an enemy who can get in your head. We see Wonder Woman and Deathstroke go back to the portal with the giant monster gaurding it and kill it. This issue ends with Wonder Woman and Deathstroke going through the portal back to paradise island. Artwork was pretty good. Story wise pretty good. Lots of action :). I give this issue a 10 out of 10. Can't wait to read the next issue. Things I learned from this issue. Deathstroke and Wonder Woman make a badass team.

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