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Friday, February 5, 2016

Review: All-New X-Men #1

This issue opens up with Wolverine skiing down some hill with some guy following her. Wait why is Wolverine a girl now? What happened to make Wolverine a girl instead of a guy. Now I'm gonna have to look this up online after I reviewe this issue. Anyways we see Wolverine go over the cliff and the guy who was after her open his wings and save her. Oh I see they were just racing. Apperently these two are dating. Next we see Hank call Warren. Just so you know who that is it's the guy dating Wolverine. Hank tells Warren that he built a machine to help him locate Svott also known as Cyclops. We see Scott sitting at some table going over his notes about the ghost of cyclops. Seriously what'd he do? I still haven't looked it up online so I'm confused as to what he did. Some girl comes up and takes a picture with Scott just so she can send it to her mom so she can go out alone more often. If some girl ever did that to me I'd grab her phone and throw it away. Anyways the ghost of cyclops attack the place where Scott is. Great it's another bad guy that runs his mout. Scott lays a few good blows on them and almost gets the crab beat out of him before the cops showed up. The mean girl tells Scott she recorded the fight and that once her mom sees it they can go on all the dates. Oh she's pretty much like a gold digger. Hank and the rest of the young X-Men go to where Iceman is to see him making a sculpture with his powers. I'm sure that's gonna be one of his regrets in life. Scott goes to some library where he looks up the name of some guy who is a member of the ghost of cyclops. These guys seem kinda like a cult or religious group. Oh heck ya he just punched motor mouth in the mouth... and now he's getting the shit beat out of him. Note to self avoid the ghost of cyclops they aren't a good group to be around. Before they can beat the shit out of him some more Scott pulls off his red glasses and uses his optic blast which alerts Hank to his piston. This issue ends with the other young X-Men coming to help Scott. Artwork was pretty good. Story wise pretty good. I give this issue a 10 out of 10. Note to self never go skiing with Wolverine you'll get a tree to the face.

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