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Thursday, June 26, 2014

Review: Ultimate Comics ( X-Men: Point.One #18.1 )

So this issue basically finishes up the last arc so that when you read #19 you're not like wait... wtf? But anyways a lot of mutants take the cure and to me it seemed like Kitty was pretty upset about it... like why are you upset about them trying to make their lives better? Like ya I understand you want a lot more mutants to share some land with you so that you guys fight over food and stuff cause of how big your group is... but these guys haven't had that good of a life so no duh they're gonna take the cure so they don't die or so they can end their nightmares. But anyways you get to figure out how many took the cure and that something bad happened while some were taking the cure. If you want to know what it is go pick up this book. As for the artwork I didn't like it to much.. it looked like the eyes had a crap ton of big weird odd looking circles drew around them.. like wtf?.. the mutants trying to hypnotize us now or are they supposed to look that creepy and give me nightmares? It just didn't sit that well with me. I give this issue a 7 out of 10.

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