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Wednesday, June 4, 2014

Interview #17: With Jenny Lorenzo

So a few months ago I did an interview with the very cool Jenny Lorenzo. Hope you guys enjoy. Also make sure to check out her links :).

1: How'd become the host of aggressive comix?

Jenny Lorenzo: It was my first day at San Diego Comic Con 2011 and I was cosplaying as Ramona Flowers when, suddenly, Rich Cassidy of Aggressive Comix came running towards me, snapped a photo of my cosplay, handed me a business card and ran off. Once I returned to Miami, Rich approached me about hosting a show for their brand new channel and the rest is history!

2: How long have you been the host of aggressive comix?

Jenny Lorenzo: I've been hosting Geekgasm for almost 3 years in August!

3: What is your favorite thing about being the host of aggressive comix?

Jenny Lorenzo: My favorite thing is definitely the fans. I've come across some of the coolest people from all over the world and so many of them have been tremendously supportive from day one. These folks really look after me, you know?

4: What would you like to do in the future? Either in your own way or through aggressive comix.

Jenny Lorenzo: Future-wise, I want to have a career in comedy. I would love to write, produce, direct and act in fresh, new work. Preferably in television. As far as Aggressive Comix goes, I would love to see the channel reach well over 50,000 subscribers and bring our content to a whole new level of awesome.

5: Have you met any famous people being the host of aggressive comix?

Jenny Lorenzo: I've never met any famous people because of Aggressive Comix, per se. But I did meet Robert Downey Jr. and the rest of the amazing Iron Man 3 cast when I worked on the set as producer's assistant.

6: Would you consider yourself famous? If not would you love to be and why?

Jenny Lorenzo: I, personally, do not consider myself to be famous whatsoever. The concept of fame weirds me out, yet I want to be an entertainer. I'm just weird, man. I guess I'm slowly becoming more recognizable in the interweb geek community but that's about it. I am not looking for fame. And, yes, I know fame tends to be part of the package at times, but that's not what I long for. I long to make a successful career out of what I love and to do. And that is making people laugh. To constantly create and work with like-minded folks who like to poke fun at shit and turn it into something good.

7: Is this something you'd do for the rest of your life?

Jenny Lorenzo: Heck yeah!

8: Have you made lots of friends doing aggressive comix?

Jenny Lorenzo: Definitely. This goes back to one of the earlier questions. I've met so many amazing folks thanks to working on Geekgasm with Aggressive Comix. Folks who I probably would've never met otherwise.

9: Which person in any comic universe would you date and why?

Jenny Lorenzo: Loki. I dig a little mischief. ;) Oh, and Scott Pilgrim.

10: What is your biggest goal in life at the moment?

Jenny Lorenzo: To give back as much as possible and make a difference with comedy.

11: Where can people find you on the internet?

Jenny Lorenzo: They can find me at: youtube.com/aggressivecomix

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