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Monday, July 31, 2017

Review: The Unbelievable Gwenpool #10

This issue opens up with an old couple trying to decide what to eat for lunch. DQ I mean if they have a DQ in that area they should definitely go eat ther- oh look Gwenpool is here to save her friends. Um Gwenpool I highly doubt threatening to eat them will make them hand your friends over in fact I think it'll just make things worse. See told you. Dammit cyborg superman is back... Gwenpool why are you aiming your weapons at the old people who opened this issue up? We finally see cyborg superman do something good. I'm sure any guy who says real men wear pink would be happy to see the next page with all of Gwenpools poole boys wearing her colors. Anyways shit hits the fan some more but luckily Gwenpool saves all her friends who then leave her at the end of the issue. No I'm not crying I'm just chopping an onion while writing this part :'(. Artwork was great. The story was funny and action packed at the same time so I give this issue a 10 out of 10. Things I learned from this issue. Captain Hydra would be very happy to know that Batroc freelances for Hydra.

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