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Saturday, August 22, 2015

Review: Wytches #5

This issue opens up with a mood chart. Next we see Charlie trying to tell his wife who Sailor is that they have a daughter with that name but then the cop Mr. Petal walks in... hmm that name sounds kinda like a hippie name. Let me guess he works for the extreme tree hugging hippies that put people in trees. Yep knew it he just tried to shoot Charlie. Charlie ends up getting Petals gun and makes him lead him to the big secret base of the extreme tree hugging hippies. Petal tells Charlie how he's extremely old and how he can get up from anything. Even if Charlie shoots you in the head or chops your head off and rips your heart out? Charlie ends up putting something called stink all over his body and in his mouth. Well I don't think I'd ever put that stuff in my mouth but over my body ya. Yes he just shot Mr. Petal... seriously that guys still talking. Does he ever shut up? Next we see Charlie clim down the tree till he finds Sailor. This issue ends with Petal letting the extreme tree huggers eat him but as they eat him he says something very important. Artwork was pretty good. Story wise it has me on the edge of my seat wanting to read the next issue. I give this issue a 10 out of 10. Remember if someone has Petal for a name they're definitely a hippie.

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