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Thursday, August 13, 2015

Review: The Amazing Spider-Man #12 ( Spider Verse Part 4 )

This issue opens up with tons of Spider-Men and women getting killed. Spider-Man returns with more Spider-Men one of whom has a giant robot. Wait why are the power rangers in this book? What do you mean it's not the power rangers? It's a Spider-Man from a Japanese world. Wait is Marvel making fun of Japanese people now. If so not funny. Next we see all the spiders leave the power rangers behind and go to jarassic park. To many shows and movies that aren't part of marvel went into this boook. Next we see Silk go to the radioactive earth. Hey I read that part in Spider-Woman #2 except the art in the background was different. Peter learns that one of the Inheritors has found a way to tap into their coms and can find them wherever they go. Jessica Drew sends Peter some reading material... um how's that gonna help? If he reads he dies. Oh I see it's the prophecys that makes sense on why she'd send him that. This issue ends with all the spiders going to the radioactive earth and meeting a familiar face. Artwork was pretty good. I give this issue a 7 out of 10. Remember power rangers suck at fighting so don't write them into your book or else their toy robot will fall apart.

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