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Monday, August 10, 2015

Review: Wytches #4

This issue opens up with Sailor yelling at her dad as he sits atop a faris wheel. Next we see Charlie tell Lucy how he's veins spelled out here. I don't get it what's the here coast? Never heard of this place now I need to look it up. Anyways Charlie goes to here or some old shack to get answers out of the woman that looks like a man so he can find his daughter. Next we see Sailor in a pit with a ton of dead bodies. So the Wytches love the earth so much that they try and feed it by putting people in trees and holes. Or maybe this'll happen to as all if we don't stop poloting the earth... haha just kidding that'll never happen :). Anyways the old woman Clara Poirot hangs herself after she tells Charlie about a list and other stuff. Next in the flashback we see Charlie throw a bottle of acohal at Sailor as she climbs further up the fairs wheel. That's not very good parenting. See she's falling.. well you caught her so guess that makes up for what you did earlier. This issue ends with Lucy asking Charlie who Sailor is. Artwork was pretty good. I give this issue a 10 out of 10. Remember if you're a tree hugger don't go killing people and sticking them in the ground or trees just cause they don't love the earth as much as you.

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