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Saturday, February 16, 2019

Review: Redd Velvette #1

This issue opens up with Lass and Redd Velvette on an island. My question is what else did Lass use to make the soap for the bath that Redd Velvette is in? I mean she said later on in the issue that if they didn't get it off quick enough it'd burn her.

I want the little love shack that Lass made. You're looking at me all confused like why would you call it a love shack and not a shelter? Well cause they just made love in it. But that's not the reason I want it. It's got a fucking skull on it that's why.

We get a flashback to when Redd Velvette got mutinied off her ship. Already seeing Ramson I know I don't like him and hope she one day kills him and gets her ship back. Though I also want her ship but I'd settle for being part of her crew.

Haha she just crushed Ramsons balls. Oh dear god that scene was funny. And the crews face and comments afterwards was the best. Like dam don't fuck with Redd Velvette unless you want her to crush your balls.

We see Lass and Redd Velvette jump overboard and get saved by Captain Demona who died and became one with the sea. Looking at her I'm thinking to myself yep I'd let her eat my soul. Why you ask? Well cause she's got nothing on so she could do whatever she wants to me. Oh so that's how they ended up on that island.

This issue ends with Lass and Redd Velvette hugging and they declare the island Redd's Island. I'm gonna be honest here. I want to go to Redd's Island now :). Artwork was great. As for the story it was funny and good. Like yes it's got two girls that half the time don't have clothes on but that's not what made me like this issue. Redd and Lass did. I'd be part of their crew in a heartbeat :). I'd suggest buying this series. If you have a kickstarter find Joe Pekar and ask if you can buy issues 1-4 I think there's four currently out and I hope there will be more. I give this issue a 10 out of 10.

Side note: For those of you reading this on comics amino or all things comics amino I won't be showing the full cover on here since it has two nude girls on it and I don't want the post to be flagged so if you want to see the cover go to www.deadm15.blogspot.com but if I keep reviewing this series I'll make sure to get the nude and dressed covers in the future so I can use the dressed for the cover photos :).

Things I learned from this issue. If Lass or Redd gave me sad puppy dog eyes I'd do whatever they wanted. If my ex ever tries that though I'll tell her to blow it out her ass or to get bent.

Subscribe to me on YouTube it's free :). If I find Redd's Island I'll make sure to record my adventures there. Follow me on twitter @Deadm15 and like my facebook page at www.facebook.com/deadm15fans

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