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Saturday, February 23, 2019

Review: Outcast #22

This issue opens up with Sidney telling Scott and Caleb to go look for Brian. Man I thought that maybe half the town or all of it was just demons but I guess I was wrong.

Oh look Kyle and Reverend Anderson finally found Brian. Oh just knock him out of carry him to the barn. There was no need to tie him up and gag him unless you guys were gonna do some kinky shit to him. Hell you wouldn't have to worry about him making any noises either.

Haha those guys just got attacked by that wolf. Oh shut up with your religious bable Reverend. Like seriously he's starting to annoy the hell out of me. If he gets more annoying in the future I'll start docking numbers whenever he's in an issue. I mean am I the only one that finds Reverend Anderson to be annoying?

This issue ends with Kyle beating the demon out of Brian. Kyle I know it isn't ideal and would be stupid of you to do that every time but I suggest beating the shit out of everyone else who is possed cause that seems to be the quickest way to get them out. If you find a faster and less violent way then go that route but until then just beat them up. Artwork was good. As for the story cold, violent and funny but really good. I give this issue a 10 out of 10.

Favorite Page: Brian vs the wolf. Made me laugh. Like was he really gonna try and fight that thing? Sadly he's not Liam Neeson.

Things I learned from this issue. That if I ever get possed and Kyle beats the shit out of me and fucks up my face like he did to Brian then I better say thank you.

Subscribe to me on YouTube it's free :). If I see someone in my town fight a wolf I'll make sure to record it. Follow me on twitter @Deadm15 and like my facebook page at www.facebook.com/deadm15fans

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