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Friday, February 1, 2019

Review: Darth Vader #17

This issue opens up with the Jedi council having a meeting. I mean the Ore Barons having a meeting. Sorry guys no Yoda in this issue.

Next we see Vader and the queen in some sort of castle or something. I've seen cooler looking castles. I mean heck dark spire in The Magicians is one dope ass castle.

We get to see a flying or hovering ship come out of the lava and attack the castle. Bad move guys. See told you Vader and the twins just took you out. See scenes like these are the reason why I like Vader and think he's so cool. I have a question how come their ship didn't melt when it was in the lava but once lava enters the hull it melts it? Or sank it but still.

I don't know why Aiolin thought Vader would train her. I mean when your master makes you, your brother and the others to overthrow Vader what makes you think he'll train me if I ask nicely and kiss his ass. This next scene made me angry. I thought they really killed Doctor Aphra off but sadly her fans prayers kept her alive.

This issue ends with Cylo offering up Vader on a silver platter to the Ore Barons. Cylo what makes you think you'll be able to overpower Vader and make that happen? He'd force crush your throat before you got the jump on him. And sadly your sex bots won't be able to do it either. Why, you ask? Well because their not as strong as him. Artwork was good. As for the story it was way better than the last few issues. I love when they show action scenes of scenes of Vader doing dope stuff such as sinking a flying ship. I get that they can't always do that but those are the parts in the series I find to be enjoyable and not boring so I give this issue an 8 out of 10.

Things I learned from this issue. To avoid Shu-Torun. I mean who'd want to live on a volcanic planet? It'd be raining ash every day and that doesn't sound like a peaceful place to live.

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