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Monday, February 11, 2019

Review: The Unbelievable Gwenpool #24

This issue opens up with Batroc getting ready for a heist. I gotta be honest guys I don't like Batroc that much. Never knew about him till I started reading this series and when this series ends I'll probably just forget about him. But I promise to never forget about Gwenpool :).

I gotta be honest again Chance is just kind of a lame name for a villain and I feel like my his chances of me remembering or even thinking he's cool are pretty low.

Well those guys just got zapped like bugs. I'd never set foot on The Casino In The Sky. Why you ask? Well cause it's high up in the sky and I'm scared of heights. Heck I probably started being scared of heights after I fell off a pig pen and busted my right arm into a u shape. True story.

Oh cool Gwen finally showed up. Wait I'm confused I thought she was gonna be a hero now not a villain? Are they trying to turn her into Captain Hydra 2.0? If so I'm not ok with that.

That's alot of gold. Is that how much this issue will be worth in the future? If so guess my grandkids will be hella rich. No I'm not the type of person to sell comics. Hell half the signed ones I own I never plan on selling cause they're special to me.

Aww Gwenpool gave Batroc a hug. Still don't like him though. The ending to this issue is very sad. Quit crying Gwen or I'll start crying. Don't worry I'm sure they'll make a movie or cartoon about you again and you'll be brought back and cooler than ever. Artwork was great. And so was the story it made me laugh and smile for the first half but the last half made me want to cry. I hate that they cancelled this series and I wish they'd bring it back. If I'll never get back together with my crazy evil ex then at least please let me have Gwenpool back in my life. I give this issue a 10 out of 10.

Things I learned from this issue. That Gwenpool has dope ass powers and I want them. Now I just need to do something crazy and stupid that'll land me in a comic universe.

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