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Saturday, February 9, 2019

Review: Darth Vader #18

This issue opens up with Triple-Zero and BT-1 throwing a dead body into lava. I feel like you could make a horror movie about these two. Heck they're scarier than Chucky.

Vader it's a bad idea to drill into a planet. They must not have tv where they're at so he probably hasn't seen movies where people drill into the earth and end up dying. Just like if they had movies they'd know that bad stuff tends to happen in space so if you spend your whole life being in space from time to time bad stuff is bound to happen to you. See told you Vader your drill just went off course.

Next we witness a ton of people dying. It's funny how they had to bring in those old droids to kill Baron Rubixs men.

See told you you could make a horror movie about Triple-Zero and BT-1. That idea he gave to Vader was fucking scary. I'm sure Skynet read this issue online and will now put that function in all the terminators.

Dam Queen Trios just became dope in my mind. Like I thought she'd be lame and not cool at all but dam she showed me I was wrong. Sadly she'll never be as cool as Octavia from The 100. Or should I say Blodreina. Like seriously she is badass.

Really Aiolinn and Morit what makes you guys think you can even take Vader? I feel like the next issue will end with you guys ripped into little pieces of confetti. The artwork was great. As for the story it was meh. Like it was good but not something that had me glued to my seat. Heck have the time while reading this issue I went and ate, drank and even took a giant sh- anyways you get the point. I give this issue a 6 out of 10.

Things I learned from this issue. We just need Jedis now so the robots will never rise up. I mean they tried to in Star Wars but the stormtroopers took their place. Though stormtroopers aren't really good at shooting anything in the first place so maybe they shouldn't have taken over but at least the Jedis made it so that the robots didn't seem like a good idea at the time.

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