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Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Review: Lock And Key #3 ( Welcome To Lovecraft )

This issue opens up with Kinsey walking to school or just walking somewhere. We see that she changes her hair style. Bode shows her the door that turns people into ghost and walks through it. Though of course she thinks he's faking. We also learn that Sam escaped juvenile detention. Well no duh that gaurds were pretty stupid. We also get to see that Kinsey is a fast runner but only because she has stufv to run from... actually running from stuff does not make you a fast runner. Like if you're fat and run from stuff... well lets be honest you'd probably run out of breath and whatever you were running from would get you. See what I'm getting at? This issue ends with Kinsey changing her hair again and deciding to run with the girl who wanted to run with her earlier. Remember if you have someone you're running from just get a gun and learn how to shoot so you can shoot the person if they're trying to kill you.

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