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Sunday, December 2, 2018

Review: Outcast #13

This issue opens up with Mark telling his daughter that everything will be ok over and over. Dude you and the reverend need to learn that no matter how many times you say it'll be ok or that you're not afraid doesn't make it so. Heck I could sit in a corner in my room rocking back and forth saying I'm a pony. I'm a pony. I'm a pony. Yet see I haven't turned into a pony now have I. Oh no not Sidnie. We go to Kyle and the reverend where we see them try light and cold bath water. Um ya no Kyle from what I'm seeing that's just making stuff worse. See now the demons trying to kill Megan. Hopefully you get a notebook in the future and write stuff down so you know what does and doesn't work. Here Kyle I'll start it for you.
Kyles notes on exercising demons.
Shit that pisses the demons off and doesn't work as well as I thought it would:
1: Light.
2: putting them in a bathtub full of cold water. Ya I learned the hard way that the demon will them try to crack the persons head open. Maybe have more people to help or don't let it get that far.
Shit that does work:
1: Me touching them.
2: Me crying on them
3: Me beating the crap out of them. Normally when I do this they can move freely afterwards.
Anyways next we see Mark come back. Dude did you just leave your daughter at Kyles house alone. Also finally the reverend is making sense. Sadly Mark didn't listen and is now dead. Yep Mark you're right you guys will work it out. Sadly working things out caused you to die. At least I think he is I could be wrong. Phew Kyle finally got the demon out of her. See reverend it was all thanks to Kyle and not god. This issue ends with Megans daughter waking up in Kyles house to find out that she's not alone. Well I have a feeling her life will go to hell after this night. Artwork was ok as for the story it was ok. I'm glad Kyle didn't beat the crap out of Megan and that she's able to walk. Sadly she'll have a bad headache and should probably see a doctor. Also should they tell her the bad news or later? I give this issue a 10 out of 10.

Things I learned from this issue. That Kyle needs to take notes and do his homework or else when he exercises demons in the future more people will die. So until he does he should probably do it alone and make sure no one else comes in while he's exercising the person.

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