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Sunday, December 9, 2018

Review: Norah #1

This issue opens up with our main character Norah in a dark place. Wait is that really what the inside of minds look like? Jeez normally when I go into my mind for a bit it's bright and full of light. Unless I'm feeling down then it's not. We find out that Norah is in a little girls mind trying to find her so she can bring her back to her parents. Yo lady I get that you want your daughter back but I don't think yelling at Norah will help. You're lucky that she's not the type of person who'd just walk away from a job after being yelled at. Yay she got their daughter back to them :). This issue ends with us getting a flashback of.... Oh no that isn't good. Nope not good at all. To see what I'm talking about going buy this issue for yourself cause it's definitely worth it. Artwork was really good :). As for the story it was also good. I've never read anything that Kasey Pierce has written before. Only interviewed her but I have to say I enjoyed this issue and now I need to buy the rest :). I give this issue a 10 out of 10.

Things I learned from this issue. Take a drug that gives you the power to go into other people's minds so you can earn lots of money from saving people's children. I mean look at how much Norah made. $4,000. Although don't get the drug injected into you while you're next to a loved one.

You can buy this issue and the other issues at www.sourcepointpress.com

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