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Thursday, May 22, 2014

Review: Clockwork Angels #1

So from looking this book up online and seeing some pictures on Instagram I guess it's based off a guys story from the band Clockwork Angels. Apparently it was a big book before it became a comic series. But anyways this comic is about a guy named Owen I think. Anyways he lives in Albion. Though whenever I read the name Albion it reminded me of the Fable video games. Now apparently Owen doesn't believe in the old Clock Maker.. he just thinks he's some crazy old guy. He's also one of those people who is looking for adventure but in order to find it he causes trouble.. I know a guy who does that. It's my friend Eric Ratcliffe :). But anyways Owen stops a train which I'm sure caused trouble for the poor driver and the people riding it. Oh also Owen left his fiance behind just to go on an adventure like wtf man? The ending was ok. Nothing to epic.. or something that made me want to go cause trouble just so I could go on an adventure. So for this issue I'll give it a 8 out of 10.

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