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Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Interview #13: With Lady Luna

So last month I think I did an interview with miss beautiful Lady Luna. Enjoy :).

1: What's your name and what got you started doing what you do?

Lady Luna: My name is Sarah, Lady Luna is just my Youtube nickname. :) I got started doing Youtube back around my sophomore year of college but got more serious about my Lady Luna channel in the past 3 years. I was very inspired by all the other Youtubers and liked that YouTube allowed anyone to come and share whatever is on their mind. It seemed like a great outlet for expression, so I dove right in. :)

2: How long have you been making videos on YouTube?

Lady Luna: About five years, but I think I've only had my Ladylunafication channel for about 3.

3: Have you met any interesting people through YouTube?

Lady Luna:
Yes! I have several friends I've met through doing Youtube. Most of the friends I've made are just online, including my good friend John Berchtold and also Shane Dawson. I actually got to meet Colleen Ballinger (MirandaSings) after one of her performances once which was AMAZING. I was also lucky enough to connect in real life with Bree Essrig and Steve Greene back in 2012 and since then Bree and I have become very good friends. We still hope to visit one another again in the future.

4: Have you met any famous YouTubers through YouTube?

Lady Luna: I've had online contact with quite a few Youtubers, of which Shane Dawson is probably the most famous. Bree Essrig and Steve Greene are the most famous I've met in real life. All of these people are SO awesome, by the way. :)

5: Is this something you'd do for the rest of your life?

Lady Luna: Yes. As long as I am able to create something on my own, I am happy. Whether it's a video, a poem, a script, a song, a novel, I just love to create something out of nothing and be able to share it with people. I hope to never stop making videos.

6: What are your plans for the future?

Lady Luna: I'm hoping to write at least one book in the near future. I've always loved to write and hope I can either put out a young adult fiction novel or possibly a tell-all type of book. Maybe even a book of poetry or short stories somewhere along the line. We shall see. :)

7: Who is your favorite YouTuber or YouTubers and why?

Lady Luna: I love all the Youtubers I know like Bree and Shane and I watch them quite a bit, but I also LOVE Shaycarl and the Shaytards. They are the perfect example of the kind of family I hope to make for myself in the future. I also really love Andreaschoice, Todrick Hall, and Brittani Taylor because they all seem to know themselves well and each present something unique to youtube in their own way. Andrea through beauty, Todrick through music/dance, and Brittani through living life to the fullest.

8: What is your favorite thing about making YouTube videos?

Lady Luna: The greatest feeling in the world is to go into the new comments on a video I've made and have someone tell me that I have inspired or even helped them in some way. It's a sobering feeling as to why all of this really matters to me and why I keep doing it. All I've ever dreamed of doing is uplifting people, and Youtube allows me to do just that. :)

9: Do you have a fan base? If so what type of fan base are they?

Lady Luna: In the analytics for my channel it shows that most of my audience is young girls in their early teens. But more than that, there seems to be a general personality behind my fans (whom I call my "Lunatics," haha.) They seem to be people who are looking for some sort of peace in their lives. Looking for a calmness in life and a motivation to reach their dreams. I know this is true because I get a lot of feedback from my Lunatics and majority of the time, it is so positive and very touching to me. They are good people and I am very blessed.

10: Do you consider yourself famous? If not would you love to be famous?

Lady Luna: Hahaha, no, I don't consider myself to be famous even in the slightest sense. But thank you! That is a compliment. Right now my Subscribers are still under 1400, so I have a long way to go to be considered one of the "famous" youtubers. As for really being famous someday, honestly, I would never want that life. I cherish my privacy, my loved ones, and my own little successes in life too much to be preoccupied with the whole world pining after me. The only reason I would wish for people to watch me videos, read a book I write etc. would just be so that I can spread a message of hope and love to those who will listen. That is worth far more to me than money or attention. <3

11: Where can people find you on the internet?

Lady Luna: I have 3 Youtube channels. My most watched channel is http://www.youtube.com/ladylunafication. I also have:

My beauty channel: http://www.youtube.com/ladylunafication2

My vegan channel: http"//www.youtube.com/veganladyluna

My twitter: twitter.com/meladyluna

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