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Saturday, January 18, 2025

Review: The Final Girl Support Group

Warning May Contain Spoilers 

Well I didn't think I would read this book as fast as I did. Surprisingly I think it took me two whole weeks. Guess I could say that's maybe cause I really like anything to do with horror or maybe Grady Hendricks just writes books that hook people. Guess I'll have to find out once I read one of his others books which I plan on cause I highly enjoyed this one.

One thing I didn't like about the book was how paranoid the main character was though I guess that makes sense after what she went through and she did grow out of it a little by the end of the book in my opinion.

Things I liked about this book was how it kept me guessing the whole time. I literally could not pit down any of the twist or even who the killer was and that means that when things got revealed it surprised me which is good. I also like how the main character kept fighting at the end even in the condition she was in. Fuck I probably would've given up and died. I really like how the book ended cause it went down a different route than I thought it would.

My favorite chapter was better watch out. God was that good. Maybe I'm sick or maybe I just needed to know what happened to Lynette to get attached to her and care what happens to her and root for her.

I give this book a 10 ou of 10 and highly suggest checking it out if you like slasher movies or final girls in general :)

Sunday, January 14, 2024

Review: Don't Fear The Reaper

Warning Spoilers Ahead 

Dam that was one hell of sequel is the first thing that pops in my head after I finished this book early this morning. Stephen Graham Jones pulls off another great book.

Regardless of me thinking this is a great book there were some things that I didn't like but near the end understood why he'd put it in the book and written chapters the way he did. 

The first I didn't like
Was the discount slasher 101 sections. Yes now that I've finished the book I understand why it was in there and why he couldn't have my favorite character Jade write those sections like she did in the first book. And yes that's why I didn't like those sections cause it wasn't as good as when Jade wrote them in my opinion.

The second and last thing I didn't like
How he had different perspectives from multiple characters in one chapter. To be honest it threw me off at first cause I thought the whole book would be through Jades perspective, mind you it grew on me once I got used to it and allowed me to learn more about characters from the first book and come around to liking some of them, whereas if he hadn't written it that way I'd probably not care for some of those characters. And hell it always made me excited to get to the Jade sections.

Some characters that grew on me.
Letha is one. In the first book she came off as not prepared in my opinion and someone I'd never hang out with. But in this book she is badass. I felt bad for her near the end.

Kimmy Daniels. I mean we didn't get much of her in the first book but her sections also became my favorite parts to read in this book. Though there wasn't alot if sections for her which is sad.

And of course Jade.

Speaking of Jade
She grew on me in this book actually. If I remember I wasn't that big a fan of her in the first book but maybe that's cause she hadn't grown as a person. In this book it shows how much she's gone through and how much she's grown and now I'll proudly say she's one of my favorite final girls. Stephen Graham Jones are we getting a movie after this series finishes so we can see our final girl on the big screen?

Other thoughts 
I feel like this book had more gore in it than the first one did which was great. Hell one of the victims perspectives made me glad that both my eyes are in my head and not trying to fall out.

The last bloodbath had my skin crawling as I read it so dam unsettling yet good at the same time.

I'm upset that one character I came to like died. I just came around to liking this character and Stephen Graham Jones decides I'm gonna snuff that characters light out now ok? No man it was not ok but it makes sense.

I kinda want a happy death cupcake now. Just not poisoned please.

Do I fear the reaper? Should you fear reaper.... I mean should you read this book?
Yes after reading this book I fear the reaper more than I already do.

Should you read this book. Oh fuck yes. Mind you make sure you read the first book first or you'll be lost as hell. And maybe you should fear the reaper.

I give this book a 10 out of 10.

I can't wait to read the third one and hope it'll hit a home run making me love this series.

As always be sure to follow Stephen Graham Jones on social media and be sure to check out his other books as well :)

Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Review: My Heart Is A Chainsaw

Warning Spoilers Ahead.

Just finished this book and man am I happy and sad at the same time. Didn't start getting into this book and liking Jade till the chapter titled Happy birthday to me. That one really made me like her and care about her. Still feels like she's in her head alot which I didn't like reading even though it did suck me in for a good hour or to. Plus I'm sometimes that way too so I feel like I get her there.

Definitely not my favorite book by Stephen Graham Jones but it is good. My favorite one is still last final girl. Though now I want the second one to be out so I can read it.

Oh yeah read this book around four in the morning and was on the second to last chapter and I almost closed the book when a certain character was getting their face turned into a forever scream. Pretty chilling to read that part at four in the morning. Also I like that description a forever scream.

I highly suggest going out buying this book and reading it. It's really good and needs to be made into a movie at some point. Plus it'll make you happy if you're into slashers or horror movies in general. I give this book a 8 out of 10.

Also make sure to check out Stephen Graham Jones other works and follow him on his socials. Once I find all that info on where you can follow him and whatnot I'll be sure to link it in this review.

Friday, December 17, 2021

Review: The Last Final Girl

So last night I finished this book and I love it. I'm one of the people who wants to see it get made into a movie cause it's that good.

I like that Stephen Graham Jones actually makes the characters feel real. Makes you want to be in their world. From a safe distance though cause otherwise you'll end up dead.

I highly suggest reading this book if you're into slashers. Cause if you're anything like me it'll hook you in the first few pages and continue to keep you hooked when you meet the final girl who is definitely one of my favorites now.

Also the kills are pretty great. So go buy this book off Amazon or wherever you buy books and give it a read. Who knows one day you might be a final girl and this book just might be the guide to saving your life. But more likely it'll be a great book that you want to read again and again. 

I give this book a 10 out of 10.

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Review: Throne Of Lies

Honestly I have no clue how to even start this review. But here goes. I just finished this amazing book which was written by Sara Secora. I also have to say that the ending to this book was amazing. It makes me want to hurry and read the second one so I can find out what happens and see how certain things will play out. I already have a million theories running through my head right now, I'm sure all of them are wrong though. But that's how good this book is in my opinion. It gets me thinking and feeling things. Honestly all good books should. I definitely think you should go out and buy this book and then read it. There were some moments in this book I related to which made it even better to read. Honestly I can say this book didn't bore me, I always wanted to read the next chapter. 

So what do I feel like the reader can expect from this book. Well I think they'll get an adventure, maybe some heartache, tearful moments and even some joyful ones with a sprinkle of mystery on top to finish things off.

I give this book a solid 10 out of 10. 

You can buy Throne Of Lies on Amazon at

You can also find out more about Sara at 

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Review: Batman/Superman #3

I do think Batman is right in thinking this plan won't work Superman. Lets face the facts your to much of a panzy to do anything or see the danger when it's right in front of you. See told you. Freaking idiot gave himself away.

Dam Jim looks scary as hell. Dude could have his own horror movie. Once a cop now an unstoppable killer. Also dam seems like the guy has some anger that he hasn't gotten out of his system. 

Well dam that was an interesting ending to this issue. Definitely excited for the next one but sadly I don't have the next issue. Is there a trade out for this series? If so let me know. The artwork was great as was the story. I like how it didn't go as I expected it to. I give this issue a  10 out of 10.

Favorite page has to go to the one where Batman stabs Superman in the neck.

Things I learned from this issue. That I still don't like that bunny suit. seriously it makes me think he's gonna break peoples doors down only to give them an easter basket. If villains actually fear Batman when he wears the bunny suit then they are dumb.

Also this page made me laugh. In my head I was like no Batman your supposed to be crying and holding him to your chest like that cover of Superman where he died. If you say that thought didn't cross your mind then your lying.

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Sunday, March 29, 2020

Review: Gwenpool Strikes Back #4

So is Christopher Hastings saying all Gwen needs to do is say her moms name is Martha and then her and Hulk will team up? I don't think that's how it works. But hey if it worked for Superman it might also work for her.

Seeing where all these different Gwens appear at makes me want to read those series till that point just so I can see her appearance.

Haha I love how she beat Hulk. Best moment in comics so far. No I'm not gonna tell you how she beat Hulk. Go buy each issue or the trade paperback so you can see for yourself. The artwork was amazing as was the story even though most of it was her talking to herself and then beating Hulk. I give this issue a 10 out of 10.

Favorite page. Or one of my favorite pages I should say. Is the one where they all freak out on her for shooting Bruce Banner in the face. I still love her just like people still loved Hawkeye after he shot Bruce Banner in the face.

Things I learned from this issue. That whoever wrote this issue is either a fan of DC comics, a hater or just wants Gwenpool to do a crossover with someone from DC comics.

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