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Monday, March 23, 2020

Review: Argo 5 #4

Well what gives you that idea Shazrath? Couldn't be all the destruction could it. Though dam whoever caused that much destruction will probably be really tough to go up against.

I love how when Chain Reaction asked for stuff Gladiatra hurt him but yet when Blue Dynamo ask for stuff she's like oh ya I'll think about it. Goes to show people that if they don't act like horn dogs and actually treat people with respect they might get something.

Man I don't know about you guys but Mega Corp screams evil to me. I mean just look at the men they have. Nothing about those guys says ya I'll save you from that burning building. Instead it comes off as nah you can burn in that building and I'll just add gasoline to it while I make s'mores.

Well that's not a good ending. Hopefully they beat Shazraths brother and General Thor in the next issue cause if not they'll be in for a world of hurt. I really enjoyed the story in this issue as well as the artwork so I'm giving this issue a 10 out of 10.

Things I learned from this issue. Not to mess with Shazrath when he's looking to make someone pay for what they did.

Favorite page. Would have to go to the one where Chain Reaction is upset about the monitor needing to be fixed resulting in him not getting a hot tub. Poor guy.

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