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Thursday, December 14, 2017

Review: The Unbelievable Gwenpool #12

This issue opens up with Gwenpool waking up in a room that looks like it's from the midieval days. We get a flashback page where Mega Tony and Gwenpool ran into each other. Dude she screwed up once at least give her a second chance instead of being an ass. At least he kinda got what he deserved when she kicked the door down on top of him. Later on we see them enter a room full of frogs that were pretty easy to defeat since all anyone had to do was pull the chain and flush them down the giant toilet they were in. Also did they know they were in it? Oh look the rest of the team is here... Well except for the dead guy. Next we get to see Gwenpool murder a shop owner in the dungeon... Wait why is there a shop in a dungeon? I don't remember finding any shops in caves and stuff in oblivion so what kind of game has a shop in a dungeon? Also who's arcade? After the long talk with arcade we see Gwenpool and her team face more frogs which were still hella easy to beat. This issue ends with a certain merc with a mouth entering the comic book. Artwork was pretty good. The story was pretty good to do I'll give this issue a 10 out of 10.

Things I learned from this issue. Ask Gwenpool for advice when playing games with dungeons.

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