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Sunday, November 24, 2013

Panda land

So a few days ago me and my friend one wish made up a story. We haven't finished it but I'll show you what we have so far. Also if u like it let me know and we will do more.

One day in China there was a land of pandas and they had a problem.

Their problem was the humans. The humans didn't treat them with respect.

the humans wouldn't feed them the right bamboo and they wouldn't clothes the pandas neither.

So the pandas became furious with the humans and decided to go to war.

They teamed up the sheep and the sheep made the pandas things so they could wear them during war. They wore these during war so the humans would see one of the things they failed to do.

The humans didn't take the pandas very seriously until one day when they stole the presidents wife.

The pandas held the presidents wife hostage. They demanded proper care.  The humans quickly sent the pandas the proper bamboo immediately. The pandas took the bamboos and clothes and there their thongs at the humans, so the humans burned the thongs.

But one of the pandas turned evil and started hunting down humans.

He was a very bad panda he planned to rule the world. He started with the farm animals but slowly grew. The animals began to take over the states no animal nor human was to be trusted.

Some animals made their own groups in order to help the world become a safer place. The evil panda soon had his own base and army.

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