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Monday, August 28, 2017

Review: All-new Wolverine #10

This issue opens up with Ulysses having a vision about Laura, Old Man Logan and lots of blood. Hey from the little bit I saw he might be sacrificing alot of animals for something. Also great Captain Fuck Face is in this issue and so is the racist guy who see ls the future. Next we see Old Man Logan wake up to whale sounds. For a minute there I thought my friends ex girlfriend would be in this issue. Yes she is a whale. Anyways later on some robbers break into Lauras apartment which causes all three of our Hero's to laugh. Man those guys are brave. Heck if I was them I would have backed out slowly once they started laughing. You jerks why'd you have to shoot Jonathan? Dam Gabby is badass. Note to self don't shoot Gabby's pet. Well those guys will probably feel stupid once they wake up. Also note to self don't try to rob Laura unless you want your ass handed to you. I'm Old Man Logan she's not from your future which means she won't do what your Gabby did in the future you came from. This issue ends with Captain Hydra and his men swarming Laura's apartment. Artwork was weird. The story was a psa for people thinking about robbing Laura's apartment. So I give this issue a 6 out of 10. I really hate Captain Hydra.

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