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Tuesday, December 11, 2018

Review: Rags #1

This issue opens up with our main character Regina naked and lying on the floor with people pointing guns in her face. They recording a porno or something? Or are they like dear caught in the headlights when looking at her naked body? Haha that little boy is funny. He thinks it's gross seeing a naked woman yet his dad and the other guys seem to enjoy it. After they finish the porno and let her up we watch her get angry and rage out. Is she ginger or a red head? And please don't say they're the same thing cause I've heard they're both different. But then again I could hear wrong. Heck maybe gingers and red heads are the same. I mean it'd explain why red heads have a temper and are so good in bed. Dam now I'm never gonna date either one. Dude I'm sure cleaning up her face and giving her your jacket don't make up for you hitting her in the face man. You owe her lots more dude. Man Reginas boyfriend is a dick. Like no seriously I wanted to hit him over the head with a frying pan repeatedly. Sorry just hate guys like him. This issue ends with my prayers being answered. No seriously I wanted her boyfriend to die and he did. Hey he was a dick sue me. Artwork was really good. As for the story it was great. I have to admit while reading it I was making little jokes in my head. Ones that I want to make here and probably will but I hope they don't come off as rude or make the writer think I don't like this series cause I do but man he's asking for these jokes. Anyways I give this issue a 10 out of 10.

Things I learned from this issue. That it wasn't the hillbilly town Regina was in that didn't like clothes it was the writer. He just wanted her to be naked cause he knew it would get money from the horny men. Well sure you're right. I bought this issue and enjoyed it and want more.

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