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Monday, December 3, 2018

Review: Dark Fang #5

This issue opens up with Samael pulling a sword out of the cloth. Phew for a minute there I thought it'd be something else. Why is it that when villains go in for a kill they monologue? Like no just kill. Haha that scene with her jellyfish dress was funny. Dam she sucked that dude dry. Karma's a bitch. Oh hey we finally found out her name. I mean I wasn't sure if Valla was her name so I'm glad they finally confirmed it this issue. Next we get a few scenes of her castle taking hits from a rail gun. Wasn't that a weapon in halo? Yes I played halo as a kid and would still play it if I had a game system. Jeez don't mess with Valla she just took out that rail gun like it was nothing. Sadly her victory gets rained on by holy water. Poor jellyfish dress and Toby. Wait what's Samaels book doing? Dang looks like she died. I mean cool trick book but if all your gonna do is glow then that's not ver- oh so that's what it did. Artwork was pretty good. As for the story it was good. Yes I enjoyed the ending to this arc and will definitely be coming back for the next in July. Hopefully the next arc will be way better and not as confusing. I give this issue a 10 out of 10.

Things I learned from this issue. Don't fuck with Valla cause she'll take you out just by the snap of a finger kinda like how Thanos did in the last avengers movie. And heck now that she has Samaels book maybe she's more powerful than Thanos. Hmm maybe she'll be the one to stop him in the next movie.

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