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Wednesday, April 17, 2019

Review: Spider-Man/Deadpool #23

You know I feel like the only reason Deadpool is killing people again is cause of Captain Hydra.

Oh hey it's what I look like when I wake up in the mornings. Sadly I don't have a hot girlfriend who wakes me up so only the messy hair part is true.

Dammit now after seeing Hellcow I want to go get a burger. Most people see a villain that's a cow but I'm a terrible person so I see future hamburgers that I'm gonna eat.

Well that ending scared the shit out of me.... Oh sorry it scared the shit out of me cause I hate heights. Artwork was weird. As for the story very funny. I give this issue a 10 out of 10.

Favorite Page: the one with the sharks. They are in future issues right?

Things I learned from this issue. That I want Mockingbird to be my new girlfriend. I don't think Mockingbird would use me for money, pawn my stuff off and tell me to kill myself.

Subscribe to me on YouTube it's free :). My ex isn't in any of my videos so you're safe from her. Follow me on Twitter @Deadm15 and like my facebook page at www.facebook.com/deadm15fans

Real quick before I go I wanted to direct you guys to the Blackboxtv Merch store. I've bought maybe five or so items from them. I highly suggest the pillow and hoodie https://teespring.com/stores/blackboxtv

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