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Tuesday, April 16, 2019

Review: Plume #17

So is it bad that Dominics headstone made me laugh? Am I a terrible person? Oh well I guess.

You better not burn them Hunter. I know Agatha Murdock wants you to burn them but she's hella crazy man.

Phew he didn't burn them. Wait we don't get to see his adventures with them? Darn I wanted to see them kiss some more..... What they're a cute couple.

Awww the ending is a sad yet happy one. I don't want to see this series go :'(. Anyways the artwork was amazing as always. As for the story it's very sad and happy at the same time. But I highly suggest reading this series. I'll give this issue a 10 out of 10.

Favorite Page: was that last one. I love that they're still around protecting future generations of Hunters family.

Things I learned from this issue. That people can find their true love. Heck if Vesper and Corrick can do it than anyone can.

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