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Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Review: Darth Vader #24

Are you giving Vader a blessing Cylo? If so I don't think it'll work. I have a bad feeling about your ending.

Dam I never knew Obi-Wan could be so murderous. Also think about this for a second ok. What if he had killed Anakin and snapped after he did it thus becoming Darth Vader. Wouldn't that have been a weird ass twist. Dam now that's making me think even more.

Well no shit you're accustomed to killing children. Hell if you hadn't killed all those kids at the Jedi temple then you wouldn't be accustomed to killing them.

See told you I had a bad feeling Cylo. Well that ending just made this issue lose a point. Artwork was great. As for the story it was awesome. I loves being in Vaders head. As for the ending I have one thing to say FUCKING KILL DOCTOR APHRA ALREADY! I give this issue a 9 out of 10.

Favorite Page: When Vader came out of the lava. Shows you how badass he is.

Things I learned from this issue. That girlfriends or wives tend to bind you in some way. Kinda like my ex did and still makes me feel. I feel like Vader did when he was bound in chains in his mind. The only way I'll ever be set free is if my ex admits what she did wrong without an excuse, pays me back and gives me back all the stuff she stole from me. And no a sorry does not cut it.

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