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Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Review: Spider-Man/Deadpool #22

Actually Carrot Top sex can be fun. Sometimes it's fun and then your ex cheats on you and uses you and then it's not fun. After that it's sad. Do I regret the sex? I have no clue. But what I'm saying is is murder is not as good as sex.

See this is why Deadpool is awesome. Even when he's in a game where he could die or more so lose alot of body parts and end up with alot of holes he's still happy.

Carrot Top you shouldn't have done steroids man. I mean sure now you're big and strong but in a few years of taking that stuff you'll end up losing your manhood. Oh hey it was just a robot. So I guess he gets to keep his manhood but still doesn't have a soul.

Haha they gave Carrot Top to Mini-Cyclops. That's fucking hilarious. Well the artwork was good as was the story. Lots of action, comedy and near death moments that will make you glad to be safe at home reading this and not in Murderworld. I give this issue a 10 out of 10.

Favorite Page: Had to be when Deadpool let himself get shot by the fighter planes. I think I like watching him get hurt or lose limbs.

Things I learned from this issue. That Spider-Man and Deadpool could survive one of the traps from saw. I feel like they'll be in the next saw movie.

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